Heidelberger Sinfoniker

It is inspiring music-making of the highest order.
The imaginative phrasing, the freedom of line, articulation, which drive the essence of dramaturgy and rhetoric through every symphony. The orchestra plays with such lyricism, character and humanity

Barbara Hannigan, März 2022

The orchestra performs with loose-limbed, high-spirited virtuosity, tearing into the music with contagious enthusiasm. The approach is highly adventurous but they never rush their fences.

Fono Forum


Booklet 2024

Our booklet for the  2024 is out and can be downloaded here:

Booklet 2024 [german]

Our latest CD: Haydn Symphonies Volumes 28-31

4 CD, Haydn 28-31
Official release: 19. Jan. 2024 and immediatly on the Spotify-Playlist!
Volume 28
Symphonies Nos. 16, 72, 12, 13
Volume 29
Symphonies Nos. 21, 22, 23, 24
Volume 30
Symphonies Nos. 28, 29, 30, deest
Volume 31
Symphonies Nos. 55, 68, 67
Heidelberger Sinfoniker
Johannes Klumpp
First review, Pizzicato, 24. Jan. 2024:

After Thomas Fey and Benjamin Spillner, Johannes Klumpp is now the third conductor to take the helm of the Heidelberg Symphony Orchestra and complete the Haydn cycle begun in the late 1990s. And it must be said that in the course of a quarter of a century, the complete recording of the Haydn symphonies has lost some of its topicality and appeal. Recording progresses slowly, and what was new and timely 25 years ago is now old hat. In addition, other ensembles have caught up with Haydn, so that Fey’s once-revolutionary interpretations are hardly noticed today. And yet, for me, the Heidelberg Haydn remains one of the best recordings ever made. Sure, the orchestra has become a more composed under Johannes Klumpp, but it is impossible not to hear that the interpretations have become deeper, more balanced, and also more coherent. Technically, the Heidelberg Symphony has improved, and Klumpp manages to bridge the gap between striking historical performance practice and classical elegance. This may be less spectacular, but Haydn’s symphonies gain independence and presence under Klumpp’s baton, and this in outstanding sound quality.

The symphonies recorded here give a good overall impression of the Heidelberg orchestra’s interpretive concept. Especially the early symphonies 12, 13, 16, 21-25, 28, 29 & 30 deserve great interest, because they are explored with the same seriousness as the later works, i.e. symphonies 55, 66, 67 & 72. This Haydn album Vol. 28-31 is without a doubt one of the highlights of the Heidelberg Haydn cycle, thanks to its unity, balance and interpretive and playing intelligence.


A Movie with the Heidelberg Symphony orchestra

The Heidelberg Symphony Orchestra in the Presto film! (from A. Vivaldi: "The Four Seasons", Soloist: Matthias Metzger)

Vascular surgery meets classical music - excellent surgical team harmonizes with brilliant musicians:

Vascular surgery and endovascular surgery at Heidelberg University Hospital UKHD presents the medical specialty in its multimodality, fascination and innovation.

And we are there!


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